For color-printed packaging boxes that are widely used, price is of great concern to many users, and it is also one of the important factors for comparison among many manufacturers. So, when comparing prices, you must first understand how the price is calculated, so that you can find good color printing packaging in terms of price. The editor will introduce it to you in detail below. , Color printing packaging can be cost calculated according to the printing process.
The cost of color printing packaging can also be calculated based on the printing objects.
When calculating the cost of color printing packaging, there are several important factors.
Design fee.
Pre-press fees.
Material fees.
Printing fee (i.e. printing processing fee).
Post-printing processing fee.
The above will introduce you to the cost calculation method of color printing packaging in detail. When choosing in the future, price is one factor that needs to be considered, but more importantly, you need to look at the specific work, including the material of the packaging box. It doesn't necessarily mean that the one with the cheapest price is the best. If you have the conditions, you still need to go to the manufacturer for multiple inspections.
Zibo Hengze Color Printing has long-term supply of high-quality and low-priced color printing packaging.